決別の刻・金鹿の学級 Fateful Farewell (Golden Deer)
レア: 残念です、エーデルガルト。
Rhea: You have disappointed me, Edelgard.
To think that a descendant of House Hresvelg would dare betray the holy church...
Professor. Kill Edelgard at once.
She is a danger to all of Fódlan. Such a rebellious heart cannot be allowed to keep beating.
エーデルガルト: 目的は、果たした。退かせてもらうわ。
Edelgard: I have achieved my objective. I will retreat.
Farewell, Professor. If we meet again, it will be on the battlefield.
エーデルガルト: ……ヒューベルト!
Edelgard: Come, Hubert!
レア: どこへ逃げようとも、セイロス聖教会が総力を挙げて、必ずあなたを捕らえます!
Rhea: To flee is futile, wicked girl. The Church of Seiros will raise its entire army against you, until you have been captured and punished!
You have defiled the Holy Tomb, dishonored the goddess, and humiliated your brethren.
That crime will never be erased, even if you burn in the eternal flames, and spill all of your blood into the goddess's soil!
レア: ……Byleth。上に戻り、今後の方針を立てましょう。
Rhea: Come, Professor. Let us return and decide upon our next course of action.
クロード: 皇女様個人に思い入れはないが、聞きたいことができちまったな。
Claude: I'm not exactly on friendly terms with the princess, but I do have a few questions for her.
Edelgard said that the Crest Stones represent power. That means she knows how to use them.
She almost certainly knows other secrets of Fódlan as well...
クロード: それにレアさんにも、落ち着いたら話の続きを聞かせてもらわないと……
Claude: Once things calm down a bit, there's a lot more that Rhea needs to tell us.
I just hope there's still time. I have this strange feeling...
that history is being written. That an age of anarchy is upon us. Let's hope I'm mistaken.
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